With the start of a new scouting year, the Webelos 2 Den held a fall cookout and adventure firepit. The October evening weather was perfect for the scouts to hold this event!
As all scout meetings do, this adventure started with an opening flag ceremony, where the Scouts post the colors (American Flag) and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Before the Scouts would enjoy a good firepit meal, they worked on three activities. All Scouts received a nice piece of rope and learned to tie the bowline knot; this is a requirement in Webelos 2. The scouts also worked in teams of three to learn how to properly fold the American flag. The one adventure the scouts enjoyed the most was learning how to start a fire with flint, steel, and lint from a clothes dryer!
A Boy Scout from a neighboring troop, and older brother to one of our Webelos 2 scouts, working on his cooking merit badge attended and made French toast on a camp stove; it was delicious and many of the Webelos enjoyed having a slice or two! The scouts roasted hotdogs and red peppers over the fire, and the Scouts enjoyed making Ramen surprise. The campfire meal ended with the Scouts enjoying s’mores and a Dutch oven cherry cobbler.
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